Mirjam Sieben von The Dirty Denims
Mirjam Sieben von The Dirty Denims

Nur wenige Bands sind derzeit so präsent wie die niederländischen The Dirty Denims. Es steht aktuell eine Tour durch Spanien an und auch sonst spielt das Quartett schon wieder an jeder Steckdose! Der Name erinnert an eine Ansage vom Turbonegro Live-Album Darkness Forever, der Sound der Band ist hingegen komplett eigenständig!

Sängerin Mirjam hat sich die Zeit genommen uns ihre Lieblingsalben vorzustellen!

1AC/DC – Highway To Hell

AC/DC has a lot of great albums and I love Brian Johnson too, but when I have to choose 1 then it has to be with Bon Scott. I love him as a singer and frontman. And the Highway To Hell album contains 4 of my favourite AC/DC songs: Shot Down In Flames, Girls Got Rhythm, If You Want Blood (You’ve Got It) and of course Highway To Hell.

2The Donnas – Spend The Night

The Donnas are the reason I wanted to play electrical guitar. A great example for me as a little girl to show that it’s also for girls to play rock ‘n roll. Our band The Dirty Denims is named after their song Dirty Denim, it’s also on this Spend The Night album. I still have the idea to do a special Spend The Night cover live set once in my live!

3Aibourne – Runnin’ Wild

Classic album! I love the energy and the catchy songs on this album. And their live shows are spectacular too. We met them in 2010 when we played on the same festival (Zwarte Cross).

4The Living End – The Living End

I think that The Living End is – besides The Donnas and AC/DC – one of the bands that has the ‘honour’ that I can sing along with almost every song. These rockers from Down Under have a lot of great albums, but for now I choose their debut album.

5Grande Royale – Breaking News

I really loveeee Grande Royale. I had a hard time picking between their albums Breaking News and their newer one Take It Easy. They are both quite different but both very great. If I really have to choose then I only slightly prefer Breaking News because of the catchiness of the songs. In September 2019 we did a mini tour with them in The Netherlands and Germany, and it was one of the greatest experiences in my musical life.

6Juliette & The Licks – Four On The Floor

Juliette Lewis is not only a great actress. When I heard she was in a band too, I thought…. “Would it be like an actress playing to be a rock star”, but I saw her live a few times and it’s real and rough. This album starts with 3 super great songs and they are my favourites: Smash and Grab, Hot Kiss and Stickey Honey.

7Danko Jones – We Sweat Blood

Saw Danko Jones years ago a lot of times live. Great energy, great catchy songs and I like how the bass player moves on stage a lot haha (huh!? Really? The bass player?!). We Sweat Blood is an awesome album, just like Born a Lion. I choose We Sweat Blood because it contains a few more of my favourite songs. Hope to play as their support in the future!

8The Darkness – Permission To Land

The Darkness is an amazing live band. The songs are standard and not standard at the same time. Influenced by a lot but immediately you hear it’s The Darkness. That’s what I want for our own band too. The Darkness was my last big concert before the first lockdown in The Netherlands and they are also on the wishlist to play support for.

9Imperial State Electric – Imperial State Electric

I like The Hellacopters and love Imperial State Electric even more. I had to choose between their albums Imperial State Electric and Reptile Brain Music. Though decision but let choose this one. Saw them live multiple times and hope they will continue playing in the future.

10The Romantics – In Heat

We met Wally Palmer from The Romantics at Bospop festival and he wanted to play the harmonica solo with us because we often play their song What I Like About You, but our gig did already happen when we spoke to each other. Later he invited us backstage at a festival in Bree (Belgium) and we met all bandmembers. We even had dinner with them. It was amazing and love their music. This album contains Rock You Up and Talking In Your Sleep, that’s why I choose this album.


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