Skwert Gunn ist in der Crack-Rock-Szene ein durchaus bekannter Name, denn er war Drummer der legendären Choking Victim, welche eine Vorgängerband von Leftover Crack waren. Heute spielt Skwert bei den großartigen Public Serpants.
Heute stellt er uns seine zehn Lieblingsplatten vor!

1Hepcat – Right on time

This record is probably one of my favorite feel good, upbeat ska albums. From the opener of “I can’t wait”, to the grittiness of “Nigel”, this album definitely delivers.

2Bolt Thrower – Warmaster

What more can I say about this gem. Post stench core, doom sludge pioneering Bolt Thrower was one of my favorite albums at age 20. So dirgy, so distorted and with all the feeling of a subterranean Kai ju, digging it’s way under neo Tokyo… this album will grind your face to a fine pulp.

3Born Against – Nine Patriotic Hymns

Born Against was a hardcore/punk band from NYC in the 90s. Their sound was raw and their politics even more so. They were one of those bands that just was integral to the soundtrack to my life.

4Subhumans – EP-LP

How much politics could four British street punks have in the 80s that actually made sense?!? A lot, that’s how much! This album along with 75% of their catalog rings of teen angst, except the questions proposed by Dick Lucas seem to still be relevant today.

5Bad Manners – Lip Up Fatty

Although just an EP (in LP form), Lip Up Fatty was also a song (as well as the B side) that just was one of those songs that the hair on my neck stood up when I first heard it, and I further lost my shit when I saw Buster Bloodvessel perform it live when I finally was able to see a video of a live show. Excellent songwriting and performance!

6The Clash – The Clash

An amazing record that was always said to have been “overrated” but to me, this formed my first ideas of what punk music should sound like. All the songs from beginning to end are filled with spirit and conviction and although I don’t listen to it as much as a unused to, still a major influence.

7The Pixies – Come On Pilgrim

Wow. That’s all I got on this album is a mound and resounding “Wow”. Such a beautiful display of emotion in every track, and the “fuck you” attitude that only could be had in a time where others clamored to be labeled neatly and accepted in their scenes, The Pixies didn’t care if they fit into any scene, and that’s why they are timeless.

8Zounds – You Can’t Cheat Karma

Tinny, plinky and sounding like a nutcracker band playing a more eloquent version of Crass (with actual melody and sound quality) styling peace punk (I believe they also predate Crass), this is one of my pasts unforgettable bands I’ll always make time for in the future.

9Rudimentary Peni – Death Church

The superior album, Death Church has all the emotions that I feel just walking down the street at any given time… anger, chaos and total anxiety, this album will make you feel like killing yourself in a church just to make a point about how futile life actually is.

10Social Unrest – Rat In A Maze

Again, one of those albums that showed me punk didn’t have to be cookie cutter like a lot of the southern CA bands of the time, probably because they were from northern part I’ll assume, but balls out one of favorites.


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