Vitamin X stehen für geballte Straight Edge Hardcore-Punk-Power seit 1997! Die Konzerte sind auch heute noch voller Energie und mit einer Menge Hingabe zur Musik als Lebensstil. Heute stellt uns Sänger Marko seine 10 Favoriten vor – Lest selbst!

1Minor Threat – Out of step

So this is number one of the list simply because those record had a strong impact on me, both musically and lyrically. Minor Threat was also a band which got me into hardcore, together with Youth Brigade (LA) and Misfits and it feels as it never left my turn table. Generally, they are the band that perfectly combined speed, melody and delivered perfect punk/hardcore songs with clear and honest message!

2RKL – R’nR Nightmare

This is simply one of the best record ever made. It’s almost unbelievable how well this record is written and played plus just a thought how young those guys were back then it’s mind blowing. It’s very technical, let’s say a smart concept album that mix hardcore punk with hardrock and rock in general. Genius record and in my opinion very underrated.

3Jerry’s Kids – Is This my World

It way to difficult to pick just one record, so I will put 3 records that I that are equally deserve to be in the third place. -Jerry’s Kids „Is This my World LP“ which is a top notch hardcore record. Pure energy and feels like punch in the face from the first to the last song.

4Youth Of Today – We are not in This Alone

This is literally a record that got me into sXe. It came out in the time when crossover was dominating hardcore scene and it just blow everything away. Pure hardcore punk without 1% metal influence. I also used to adore those positive lyrics although even when I was 15 I thought some of them were too naive but still, the enthusiasm behind them it’s what really counts.

5Naked Raygun – Jettison

An amazing LP just like most of the Naked Raygun records but since this is the first one I ever heard from them, it’s still my favourite. It’s something about this band that I really like, maybe the whole Chicago punk feel which was always totally different then version of punk/hardcore of other American cities-

6Void/Faith – Split LP

I like Faith side but Void is absolute winner on this record. Their side is just one of the most amazing, at the same time weirdest and fastest record of that time. I am proud to have Bubba Dupree of Void doing a guest guitar leads on the new Vitamin X record!

7Some kick ass 7“

Ok, on number 7 I will put a few kick ass 7″s that I equally love and which are some of my favourite records of all the time: Deep Wound 7″, Articles Of Faith ‎– What We Want Is Free 7″, Negative Approach 7″, C.I.A. ‎– God, Guts, Guns 7″, Genetic Control – First Impressions 7″.

Most of them are hard to find records but easy to find online for listening and downloading. I proudly own all of them and seriously each of them are jewels on it’s own. All of them had huge influence on both of my bands.

8Cock Sparrer ‎– Shock Troops

Cock Sparrer ‎– Shock Troops LP is an excellent melodic punk record (with well written songs) from this amazing, long standing band that fully deserve their popularity. I literally overlooked them back in the mid/late ’80’s when I got into punk but I fell in love with them in the early ’90’s. This is still their best record in my opinion although I like their last 2 records and of course their fantastic Guilty As Charged LP from ’94.

9Some Punkrock classics

Ok, since we are moving more into punk territory, here are a few records that I have to place here and I just cannot make a choice between them: VKTMS ‎– Midget 7″, Ramones (first) LP -Blitz „All Out Attack 7″ (actually all their punk 7“ are equally good), Buzzcocks Singles Going Steady LP, The Kids (first) LP, Radio Birdman ‎– Radios Appear LP etc.

A bunch of classic punk records among many others that I’m still listening regularly. All of them sound fresh and kicking as they were back in the days when they were released.

10Judge – Bringin it down

This is probably the most metal record on my list here but it’s still a hardcore record. I love Judge, it’s the only band that managed to make a perfect fusion of hardcore with metal and strong personal/emotional lyrics that you could really feel penetrating your heart while you’re listening.

Das waren die etwas umfangreicheren 10 Records Worth To Die For mit Marko von Vitamin X.


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Ahoi! Ich bin Felix, komme aus Dresden und bin seit Mai 2017 bei AWAYFROM LIFE aktiv. Hier schreibe ich hauptsächlich Reviews und Konzertberichte, wirke bei „10 Records Worth To Die For“ mit und schreibe ab und an einen News-Artikel. Musikalisch fühle ich mich im Punk-Rock zu Hause und steh‘ da besonders auf alles was in die Rubrik „Raw’n’Dirty“ passt! Je nach Gemütslage schwankt die bpm-Anzahl. Ich bin ansonsten Student in Dresden und spiele in der Band Deep Shining High Gitarre. Ich bin gerne draußen unterwegs, gehe auf Konzerte und verbringe liebend gerne eine gute Zeit mit Leuten, die ich gerne habe. Wandern (also auf richtigen Bergen) fetzt, bouldern auch und in der Natur mal die Ruhe genießen finde ich auch schön. In diesem Sinne, UP THE PUNX!

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