10 Records Worth To Die For: #45 mit Rafael (Breakout)


Raf ist Bassist und Unschuldslamm (kann man dieses Augen böse sein?) bei den Pariser Punx von Breakout. Da sie nonstop in ganz Europa unterwegs sind, habe ich sie bereits mehrmals live sehen können und es war immer eine Reise wert. Stabiler Streetpunk wie The Casualties vor 20 Jahren – nur in gut! Apropos gut, lest sie selbst: Rafaels Top Ten!

Anti-Flag – Die For The Government.

That’s the album and specially the song of the same name that get me into Punk like 13 years ago. My cousin was listening to it with his CD walkman, and I asked him if I could listen to his music too. When he gave me his stuff I was litteraly blown away ! I was used to listen to stuff like Sum 41 or the Offspring and suddenly i heard something faster, angry that appears more true to me. I later appreciated (and I still do) even more the record thanks to the nice lyrics and some sick instrumental parts !

Monster Squad – Fire the Faith

Well, there is nothing wrong with this album for me. The first song starts with one of the best bassline i’ve ever heard in punk and the whole record is simply a succession of blasting tunes ! A mix of fast, aggresive and angry music with some nice melodic parts adding a darker/deeper or stronger touch to the songs. Lyrics deal with different topics like political stuff, personnal point of view, …etc. Moreover all the instruments (including vocals) are importants here and the guys are no joke with it. Simply DOPE ! One of the best record ever, a must have if you’re into HardcorePunk!


External Menace – Coalition Blues (Comp‘)

Strickly speaking this one is not a normal record since it’s a compilation of songs. But then you can listen to what External Menace managed to create a bit more than 3 decades ago. There are really anthemic tunes, some more melodic than other, some shorter and faster and so on. The guys also had their own sound which is quite pleasant. Definitely one of the best UK82 band

Defiance – No Future No Hope

Not sure from where I should begin on this one ! Visceral and political lyrics shared by the two vocalists, impressive basslines and some cool guitar riff. You realize that each song is sick and the vocals are amazing ! The guys seems pissed off as fuck and it makes the album even better and true. One listen of this album and you’re ready to riot and to burn everything around haha. Definitly one of the best album ever also. The songs are rousing and it’s easy to sing along, what more could you fucking ask for ?!!

DCOI – Vol 1 & 2

This one is about two 7inch that last less than 10min each, so let’s consider than they make only one album (which could be easier also for me because I can’t say which one is the best!). We are here dealing with a Punk band playing Hardcore music (not the beatdown stuff or anything like this). The songs are short, fast and insanely cool. The injection of Punk into Hardcore creates for me an explosive and addictive mix ! I can’t count how many times these two a spinning on my turn table a year but i guess it’s better not to know. All the songs are sprinkled with blasting riffs that almost make me shit in my pants (even after hundred and hundred listening)… !!

Nowhiterag – Silence is Violence.

What came out from those Italians ? The answer is a Dope album also ! Really anthemic songs (sincere and true ones), on which you can easily sing along, with nice and original lyrics. The addition of acoustic to the album makes it even better. Plus the songs appear more efficient live. One of the best european band from the last 10 years to my point of view. 101% DIY stuff, really well made ! You know « Punk Means Action » !!

Riot Brigade – Go On !

For their 3rd album the guys from Riot Brigade decided to add a cleaner/better sounds than on their previous releases (which by the way were really cool too), while keeping the same political and antifascist attitude. Some could say that, this one sounds a bit too poppy but I totally disagree. The arrangments fit perfectly to the tunes and the two vocals add more diversity to the album. I bought this album directly after their show in Paris a few year ago on their Go On ! Tour. They were a great band for both live and recording, Hands Up ! As for Nowhiterag, one of the best European band from the last 2 decades

Action – Action.

It took me some times to choose between this album and Straight Outta Disorder from Ruffianz. Then I realized at the time that both band were from Canada (what a national battle!). I finally ended up with Action maybe because of my mood. The sound and the songs are generally a bit more « dark » on this one. I can’t count of many times either I listened to this album, probably way too much for a sane and decent person. But everyting is great here. We’ve got a impressive rythmic section, some guitar parts are amazing and vocals are quite powerfull. What can you ask more for a record ? Lyrics are not happy ones, but kind of depressive and/or pissed off. A flawless hardcore punk album. And the vinyl came out as a picture disc which is quite cool by the way !

Rudimentary Peni – Farce (EP).

That’s for me their best production. They managed to create a twisted and sick atmosphere mix with a sensation of urgency all along the EP. I guess you can like it or hate it. Vocals help alot in this together with the bass guitar. They’ve also got pretty short songs which is not to displease me. Lyrics are quite critical, dark and angry. That’s unfortunately the only record I don’t own in this list of 10 but still Farce remains with no doubt one of my favorite punk album.


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