Weiter geht es in der Interview-Reihe mit den zufällig gezogenen Fragen. Wie immer und auch in Zukunft zog auch dieses Mal der/die Interviewpartner*in oder auch die komplette Band fünf Fragen aus der Box, ohne eine Ahnung zu haben, was drauf stehen wird.
#7: Steve Caballero (Pro-Skater/Urethane)
Steve Caballero wurde mit Skoliose geboren, was sich so auswirkt, dass sich sein Kopf leicht zur Seite neigt. Er kam im Jahr des Drachen zur Welt, was sich auch stark an seinen Skateboard-Grafiken widerspiegelt. Im Alter von zwölf Jahren begann er zu skaten. Mit seinem fünfzehnten Lebensjahr wurde er als Amateur-Skater von Powell Peralta gesponsert. 1980 gelang ihm der Durchbruch und er wurde im Oasis Skatepark in Südkalifornien während der Gold Cup series zum Pro-Skater. „Cab“ ist Mitglied der Bones Brigade und erschien in mehreren ihrer Videos. Caballero schaffte es auch mehrmals auf die Titelseite der Skater-Zeitschrift Thrasher und ist ein spielbarer Charakter in den Teilen 2 bis 5 der Videospielreihe Tony Hawk’s (Quelle: Wikipedia). Mit seiner neuen Band Urethane ist er aktuell auf Tournee, was mir durchaus in die Karten gespielt hat. Hier seine fünf Antworten:
1Kategorie „MUSIC“: How did the pandemic situation affect your Band?
Steve: It actually affected the band in a very very positive way. Basically we started the band in the pandemic and we started practising and building this band together. We went into the studio and recorded an album while the pandemic was happening. So we spent a lot of time indoors getting the band ready to record an album under Cyber Tracks, which is El Hefe´s (NOFX) side label. So once the pandemic kinda opened up, we were ready to put an album out and start to play shows. We never lost anything though. We were abled to go in the studio, write songs, record and when it was ready to be released, we were ready to be released out to the world. So it didn´t affect us in a very negative way, more positive.
2Kategorie „FUN“: What was a sweet nickname your mom or dad gave you as a child?
![5 Shots Bild](https://www.awayfromlife.com/wp-content/uploads/efqwfqwfqw-rotated.jpg)
Steve: They didn´t give me any nicknames. I even do not have a middle name. My name is Steve Caballero. But my mother, because she was Spanish would call me Esteban. That would be it…(laughs), because that´s Steve in Spanish.
3Kategorie „SERIOUS“: War is…
Steve: …a mistake. And the reason why i say that is, because i feel that fighting over things, over people, over different opinions is not a good healthy thing for humans to experience and nobody wins in a war. There´s gonna be casualties and there´s always gonna be people dying in a war, so I am against it. For me like even in school I never was into fighting people for things. So war is not good.
4Kategorie „FUN“: If you were a movie, which one would it be and why?
Steve: I would be Enter the dragon from Bruce Lee, just because I love everything about Bruce Lee and what he stood for and who he was as a person. I just love what he did with martial arts. I felt, when I got into skateboarding, I did the same thing as far as taking skateboarding to different levels when there was no sense of putting yourself in a box. When Bruce Lee was a fighter, he learned als styles which intern became no style at all. And for me in skateboarding, I always tried to do different disciplines and try not to label myself as a ball skater or ramp skater or a street skater. I was just pretty much an over all. I enjoyed skateboarding and whatever you can do with that board, I will try it – Enter the dragon.
5Kategorie „MUSIC“: How did your bandname result?
Steve: So the bandname came up around 10 years ago. I was recording things on a 4-track-thing, doing that solo stuff. And I was thinking of a project name for the band or the project and I came up with the name Urethane. But I never finished the recording of the solo stuff, so i kanda kept it aside in a note book. When we started this band, I went through the note book and I saw the name Urethane and actually googled it up. I looked on Itunes and all the differnt platforms of a band named Urethane. To my surprise no one has ever used that name. Well, I´ve tried with other bands to find names and it seems like every name is taken. So it is very difficult these days to have an original name. You almost have to meke up like a word to start the band and…I don´t know… I picked Urethane because it relates to my career in skateboarding and the skateboard wheels I ride today are made out of urethane. So that´s my coalition between skateboarding and punkrock.