A Wilhelm Scream

A Wilhelm Scream werden 2016 eine neue Single veröffentlichen. Das erzählte Gitarrist Trevor Reilly in einem Interview mit Shows I Go To. Folgendes antworte Trevor auf die Frage nach einem neue Release:

„Early next year my wife and I will have moved in to our new place in which we will be building our new recording studio in, Anchor End. So we will be very busy getting that together, while writing songs for a new record, which we kind of already got a head start on. We also got some songs left to finish, left off of our last record “Partycrasher” that I am excited about finishing, so those will come first, for a 7″. We also have plans on hitting the road in the Spring and keeping the pain train a rollin’.“

- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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