Code Orange haben erst am vergangenen Freitag ihr neues Album Underneath veröffentlicht, mit dem die Band eigentlich vor hatte einige Live-Shows zu spielen. Der Coronavirus machte ihnen dabei leider einen Strich durch die Rechnung, was Code Orange jedoch nicht davon abhielt ihre geplante Release-Show am Samstag, den 14. März, im Roxian Theatre in ihrer Heimat Pittsburgh ohne Publikum zu spielen.
Musik-Archivist Hate5Six war vor Ort und übertrug das Spektakel live in die weite Welt hinaus, das ihr hier nun auf Video findet:
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Die Show war gleichzeitig der erste Auftritt vom neuen Code Orange-Tour-Schlagzeuger. Jami Morgan, der zuvor hinter dem Drumkit gesessen hatte, ist live nun ausschließlich für den Gesang zuständig.
Sunny von Hate5Six zum Live-Mitschnitt:
This show was going to be a cathartic release of all the hard work that has been put in over our bands long career – with a new level of production and intensity that we were extremely proud of. A new era of Code Orange beginning in our hometown with a lineup for the ages was something that had been pushing us through every single tough day. now that’s gone and we are stuck footing the bill for quite a bit, which I’m sure a lot of you can relate to. so it is what it is. we have been racking our brains on how to present our art live in this extremely uncertain time – one that truly reflects everything we are trying to work through on UNDERNEATH. Things feel cold, ruthless, noisey, confusing and disconnected. But we all must refuse to tap out. and that brings us too…
THE GOOD: this Saturday night 3/14 we present to you LAST ONES LEFT: In Fear of The End. a live stream. We are going to perform – in an empty venue – the show we have been planning on presenting to you all for months on end. You can stream the show on TWITCH and you will be able to contribute if you feel like it/are able. You will also be able to purchase the exclusive merch and record release records that we were sitting on for the show. A lot of really cool stuff that we designed ourselves. If you choose to do so – it will be very appreciated – and will help keep our heads above water.
If you have tickets to the Pittsburgh show you can get a refund at point of purchase. That show WILL be rescheduled. If you hang onto your ticket it will be good for whenever this thing lets up and we are able.