Das niederländische Hardcore Aushängeschild Cornered wird von 29. April bis 7. Mai 2016 auf Europa Tour gehen. Die Dates werden demnächst bekanntgegeben. Hier könnt ihr das aktuelle Album Sudden Death von Cornered anhören.
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In 2008 things were looking pretty dull for the hardcore scene at the time, most bands had quit and there was a ton of reunion bands coming over and flanel wearing beards were running the show. From the ashes of Remain, New Morality and Straight A’s arose a new band: Cornered. Joined forces with one mission in mind: a hardcore band. Within the first months of the band’s existance a demo was put out on 7″ and the first three week European tour with Deal With It was booked. Over the last six years the band has done countless European tours, released two full lengths, a couple of 7″es and even a full US-tour in 2011. Early 2016 the band has just finished recording their new 7″ HATE MANTRAS which will be out in spring. To spread the hate throughout Europe, Cornered will be destroying your venue and drinking all your beer in 2016.