Flatfoot 56

Die Folk-Punks von Flatfoot 56 aus Chicago werden am 07. März 2017 ihr neues Album „Odd Boat“ veröffentlichen. Der Vorverkauf für das Album hat bereits begonnen.

Odd Boat“ ist der Nachfolger des 2012 erschienenden Albums „Toil“. In den nächsten Wochen wird die Band einige Hörproben und Musikvideos aus dem Album veröffentlichen.

Hier das ausführliche Statement von Flatfoot 56:


Hey Guys!

Thanks for checking out our pre order page on pledge music. We are really excited for everything that we’ve been able to put together here. The release of a new album is always a huge undertaking and we are glad that you guys are going to be joining us for the process. “Odd Boat” Is the name of the new record and it is one incredible album. It features 12 songs and there are some great guest vocalists that joined us for a few tunes. We are very proud of how it is coming along and with your help, it will be epic.

In the weeks ahead we plan to give you sneak peaks into music video production, behind the scenes van life, show prep, and parts of practices will all be included in our regular video updates that will be available to anyone with an access pass. As the pre sale advances toward our March 7th release date, we will be releasing surprise packages from the flatfoot history vault. These announcements should keep the campaign fresh. We have some pretty neat things in store that we know you’ll love. Thanks for being a part of who we are and what we do. Our fans have always been the most genuine and passionate kind of music lovers. We are thankful for you all. Enjoy the journey with us. -Flatfoot 56

- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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