Nach dem überraschenden Ableben ihres Sängers Peter J Amdam im Sommer 2016 (wir berichteten) macht die Band For Pete’s Sake nun weiter. Auch eine neue 12″ soll noch dieses Jahr über React! Records herauskommen. Nicht ganz klar ist, wer den Gesang übernehmen wird.
Während am Memorial-Konzert diverse Freunde und Weggefährten im Gedenken an Peter die Bühne geteilt haben, gibt die Band an, sich auf Fotografien nunmehr nur noch zu 4. abbilden zu lassen. Ob der neue Sänger also aus Respekt gegenüber Peter eine zurückgezogene Stellung einzunehmen wünscht, oder einer der anderen Band-Mitgleider den Gesang übernimmt, wird die Zukunft zeigen. Zu zwei Songs kann man sich bereits kurze Teaser anhören: Take This Love und North Atlantic.
Today Peter would have turned 46.
Around this time every year, Peter and I would start to plan skiing-trips for the winter.
Lofty ideas, filled with fun, stoke, and dreams. Typically they would focus around trips to Rondane National Park in Norway, a place he grew to truly love.A side of Peter perhaps not too many knew was his tenacity, and physical endurance. His ability to motivate himself, and others, in the face of a challenge.
Be it a snow-covered ridge in bad weather, or a grueling hike-out in some desolate place.
He’d often suggest ski-trips deep in the national park, plainly ignoring the fact that it was a 7 hour hike just to get to foot of the thing. “I can do it, can you?” was his typical point.As I write this, the band is in the midst of finalizing artwork, photos, credits, etc. for our new record.
A new record, without Pete. A work to be done, without Pete’s incessancy, eagerness, nagging, and demand for discipline. Without his obsession for detail.
The band’s photos will be of 4 people, not 5.
The name is his, but he’s not there.
Today, on what should have been Peter’s birthday, the 4 of us are gathered, outside, on a crisp sunny autumn day for a photo-shoot – still trying to fill an almost endless void.
Still we grab a hold…of what’s left – with Pure Intensity.
And we Feel The Soul –and it Sings Along
Arne, on behalf of For Pete’s Sake (28.10.2017)