Fuck It I Quit kommen im Juni erstmalig von ihrer Heimat New Jersey nach Europa. Die Hardcore-Punk-Band veröffentlichte 2017 mit In The Shadow Of Extinction ihr bislang letztes Release.
Refuse Records präsentiert uns folgende Termine, bei der auch noch einige Shows zum Buchen verfügbar sind.
European Tour 2018
June 2 Germany (AVAILABLE – GET IN TOUCH!)
June 3 Holland (AVAILABLE – GET IN TOUCH!)
June 4 Belgium, Antwerp @ Antwerp Music City w/CxBxFxIxHxFxLxFxRxE (UK), Somnumaponea (UK), Steengruis
June 5 France, Nancy
June 6 Germany/Switzerland (AV
June 2 Germany (AVAILABLE – GET IN TOUCH!)
June 3 Holland (AVAILABLE – GET IN TOUCH!)
June 4 Belgium, Antwerp @ Antwerp Music City w/CxBxFxIxHxFxLxFxRxE (UK), Somnumaponea (UK), Steengruis
June 5 France, Nancy
June 6 Germany/Switzerland (AVAILABLE – GET IN TOUCH!)
June 7 Germany (AVAILABLE – GET IN TOUCH!)
June 8 Germany, Berlin, Refuse 25th anniversary Fest @ Cassiopeia w/ Angel Du$t (US), Odd Man Out (US), Modern Love (N), Clean Break (Por), Schwach (D), ViciousxReality (PL), Embitter (PL), Savage
June 9 Germany, (AVAILABLE – GET IN TOUCH!)
June 10 Germany (AVAILABLE – GET IN TOUCH!)
June 11 Germany, Plauen @ Projekt Schuldenberg
June 12 Hungary, Budapest @ Robot
June 13 Slovakia, Lucenec @ Slimak
June 14 Poland, Warszawa @ Chmury w/ Laxity
June 15 Poland, Toruń
June 16 Poland, Wolimierz, Izero HC Fest @ Atelier w/ Disavow (S), Bitter Verses (D), Surya (UK), Ratrace, Tides Denied (D), Baestein (Cz), Demolition (D), Lookin Up (NZ), Polair (F), Backhand Slap, Heresis (D), Prescriptiondeath (S), Setsuko (S)
June 17 Czech Republic, Prague @ 007 w/ Balaclava