HC History mit Mike Valente von Brick By Brick – Wie alles begann #49


Die erste Show, die erste Platte und seine größten Einflüsse! Wir sprachen anlässlich ihres neuen Albums Hive Mentality und der anstehenden Rebellion Tour mit Brick By Brick Gitarrist Mike Valente über seine Hardcore-Punk-Roots und wie er zur Musik und Szene gekommen ist.

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1Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today?

My first hardcore/punk show was 1985. DRI, COC and Fit For Abuse at the Albany VFW for $4. This was when COC was a 3 piece hardcore/punk band. I was brought by mt friend Chris Lynch who was in Wolfpack at the time. It was a mind blowing experience. The VFW is still there but hasn’t done a show in an extremely long time.

2What is your all-time favorite club or location?

My favorite club was The Hudson Duster…not only was it MY club but I ran it the way a street kid would run it.hence, it is now closed because I was too gangster for the capital region, haha! Seriously though, there was a shit-ton of great memories from that place. You could make a movie out of it!

3Do you remember the first hardcore / punk record you got?

My first hardcore/punk record was Animosity by COC. It was a pivotal point in my life. I listened to metal and rock previously. I graduated from Metallica, Slayer, Venom, Exodus to COC, DRI, GBH, Agnostic Front, all within the same time period.

4In your opinion what is the perfect hardcore show?

Perfect hardcore show is one where there isn’t any fights or medical incidents. The venue can stay open another day!

5What is your all-time favorite show you’ve played?

There are so many cool shows that we played. It’s hard to limit it to just one. Some stand out shows were: Sound Of Revolution 2017, Canada tour with Biohazard, Canada tour with Madball, and Rock n Shock in Massachusetts.

6Is there a show you missed in the past that still makes you angry that you could not be there?

I’ve never seen OZZY…I know he ain’t hardcore, but seeing Black Sabbath would’ve been nice. I wish I saw Misfits back in the day…not the overpriced sellout area shows of today.

7What band would you like to see again?

I always love seeing Sick Of It All, Terror, H2O, AF, shit…there’s gonna be a million bands to list!

8Is there a person who has influenced you especially in hardcore / punk?

I take a lot of inspiration from the older hardcore bands that are still going. AF, SOIA, Rancid, it’s good to see that these guys are still successful after all these years. A main influence is more metal than hardcore. I am more of a metal guitarist. I come from riff masters. Metallica can write, even their crappy new stuff has hooks, but Master Of Puppets is a Masterpiece. As far as hardcore, Terror has great riffs, H2O and Rancid can write hooks for days! i consider them punk though.

9What are your top 3 hardcore-punk front men (women)?

  1. Scott from Terror
  2. Freddy from Madaball
  3. Jet from Sam Black Church. He had to get a really unique one in there…

10What is in your opinion the most underrated hardcore-punk band?

Most underrated hardcore bands are Maximum Penalty, Leeway, and Sworn enemy (even though they all have more of a metal edge)

11Are there some newer bands you could mention?

I love Twitching Tongues, Year Of The Knife, Paper Trail, & I Am right now.

Hive Mentality wird am 22. Februar 2019 via Upstate Records erscheinen.

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Brick By Brick auf der Rebellion Tour 2019 mit Madball, Born From Pain uvm.

07.03. Leipzig – Conne Island (GER)
08.03. Amsterdam – Melkweg (NLD)
09.03. Paris – Le Gibus (FRA)
10.03. Aarburg – Musigburg (CHE)
11.03. München – Backstage (GER)
12.03. Nürnberg – Z-Bau (GER)
13.03. Essen – Turock (GER)
14.03. Berlin – SO36 (GER)
15.03. Hamburg – Bambi Galore (GER)
16.03. Coesfeld – Fabrik (GER)

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