Brian McTernan mit Battery auf dem Mighty Sounds 2019 (Photo by Jörg Baumgarten)

Die erste Show, die erste Platte und seine größten Einflüsse! Wir sprachen anlässlich des kommenden Be Wells-Studioalbums The Weight And The Cost mit Frontmann Brian McTernan über seine Hardcore-Punk-Roots und wie er zur Musik und Szene gekommen ist.

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Be Well (Photo by Casandra Strafer)
Be Well (Photo by Casandra Strafer)

AFL: Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today?


The first HC show I ever went to was Uniform Choice, Soulside, Immoral Discipline, and The Flaming Lips. It was at a venue called The Hung Jury Pub, that hasn’t done shows in over 30 years. It was in 1987 and I was only 10 years old at the time… I can still remember it like it was yesterday. I wore a Sid and Nancy shirt and di my first stage dive.

AFL: What is your all-time favorite club or location?

My favorite place to see shows was the old 9:30 club in DC. It moved to a bigger location in the mid 90’s, but the original location only had a capacity of 199. It was an amazing place to see bands play. I saw Dag Nasty, Swiz, Underdog, Green Day, Rage Against The Machine, Helmet, Jawbox, and countless others in that tiny little venue. It was amazing.

AFL: Do you remember the first hardcore / punk record you got?

My first punk/HC record was Dead Kennedy’s In God We Trust. I remember not being able to tell what speed it should be played at, because it sounded so crazy at either RPM.

AFL: In your opinion what is the perfect hardcore show?

I like small intimate shows without barriers. I can’t stand the horse shoe pit… I love people being packed up front and singing along.

AFL: What is your all-time favorite show you’ve played?

My favorite show I ever played was with Battery at Conne Island in Leipzig in 2017. Conne Island is one of the best venues ever, and the show was incredible. It made it even more special because my wife and daughter flew over and were able to see the show.

AFL: Is there a show you missed in the past that still makes you angry that you could not be there?

I would give anything to have seen Rites Of Spring. I started going to shows soon after they broke up and I never saw them. I love that band beyond words.

AFL: What band would you like to see again?

Inside Out. I was lucky enough to see them play twice before the Rev record came out. They were the best live band I have ever seen.

AFL: Is there a person who has influenced you especially in hardcore / punk?

My brother Mike, who sings in Damnation Ad, influenced me the most. He is a few years older and started introducing me to music when I was young. He has also been the biggest supporter of all of my bands, as well as my production career.

AFL: What are your top 3 hardcore-punk front men/women?

  • Ian Mackaye: Minor Threat, Embrace, Fugazi, and Corikey
  • Kevin Seconds: 7 Seconds
  • Thomas Barnett: Strike Anywhere

AFL: What is in your opinion the most underrated hardcore-punk band?

Four Walls Falling. They were the first band that I ever heard really speak on social inequality and racism. The music is so good, the lyrics are incredible, and Taylor was an inspiring frontman.

Weitere HC-Histories »

The Weight And The Cost wird am 21. August über End Hits Records und Equal Vision Records erscheinen.


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