Die erste Show, die erste Platte und seine größten Einflüsse! Wir sprachen anlässlich des neuen Death Before Dishonor Albums Unfinished Business mit Sänger Bryan Harris über seine Hardcore-Punk-Roots und wie sie zur Musik und Szene gekommen sind.
Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today?
The first hardcore show I saw was in 1994 I think. It was Biohazard, Stomp Box, and Reason Enough. Stomp box and Reason Enough were both Boston Hardcore bands. It was at a club called Axis in Boston. The club is no longer there anymore, they tore it down, along with bigger club next to it called Avalon and now it is a House of Blues.
What is your all-time favorite club or location?
My all-time favorite club was a place called Romans/Tigers Den. It had changed names at one point from Romans to Tigers den, but it was a great small hardcore club about 30 mins outside Boston in another city called Brockton. It was around from like 2006 until 2008 maybe? I don’t really remember the years. It was in a sketchy neighborhood, but we always made sure kids that came would come and go safely. A lot of great shows happened there! In my opinion it really helped us as a band, we played there a lot. We had a strong following there, so it felt like home to us!
Do you remember the first hardcore / punk record you got?
The first Hardcore record I got was Urban Discipline by Biohazard. I remember seeing their Punishment video on Headbangers Ball and I was like damn what is this. So, I went out to the local record store and picked up “Urban Discipline”. Coming from listening to metal it was crazy to hear a band like biohazard. It had a metal feel but had groove as well. Throw in the “street” lyrics, I was hooked. I found out what hardcore was!
In your opinion what is the perfect hardcore show?
I don’t know if you’re asking the perfect lineup or the perfect type of show. I will go with a perfect type of show, that would be a small packed venue, everyone moving, stage diving, and singing the words to every song. Nothing but pure energy from start to finish, and everyone walking away like damn that was amazing! There is no better feeling!
What is your all-time favorite show you’ve played?
It’s hard to pick one favorite show, we have been fortunate to play many great shows small and big with so many great bands. One show that stands out to me is we played “Mayday Fest” in Berlin. They shut down the streets and there’s so many people there. We played outside my favorite bar in Berlin called Trinktuefel. It was just amazing, there were people as far as I could see and also that happening in Berlin which is one of my favorite cities was absolutely insane!
Is there a show you missed in the past that still makes you angry that you could not be there?
This show just happened but unfortunately, I wasn’t around to go to it, The Have Heart reunion show that was took place outside the Palladium in Worcester, MA in July. Seeing pictures and videos of 10,000 kids at a hardcore show was amazing. I’ve seen that many people at a fest, but for a regular hardcore show, that’s absolutely incredible. It shows how many people that band made an impact on. We were fortunate to tour and play with those guys in the past, great guys and great band!
What band would you like to see again?
This is a tough one, I have been fortunate to see a lot of my favorite bands. Also in this day and age a lot of bands I did miss have don reunions. There’s was a punk band from Boston called The Vigilantes. They no longer play, and I never got to see them. I don’t know too much about them but they out an ep in 2000 called “No Destiny” that record is amazing!
Is there a person who has influenced you especially in hardcore / punk?
There has been a lot of people that have influenced me in Hardcore but Roger Miret stands out! We did our first European tour with Agnostic Front and I learned everything about being in a touring band from that dude. Every day he would have no problem talking to me, give me advice and just watching him really showed me what it takes to be on the road. Great guy and I owe a lot to him and Agnostic Front!
What are your top 3 hardcore-punk front men/women?
My top 3 frontmen would be.. First would be Roger Miret from Agnostic Front. One of the most charismatic front men to ever do it. A lot of energy, passion and just the best. 2nd would be Freddy Cricen of Madball. Once again, all energy, that dude never miss a beat and truly commands the crowd. 3rd would be Scott Vogel, that dude really commands the crowd! Pure passion for what he is doing and always gets a crowd moving!
What is in your opinion the most underrated hardcore-punk band?
There is a lot of bands that are underrated, I will say a record that I think is extremely underrated. Subzero “Happiness Without Hope” is one of my all-time favorite records and I feel like it is very overrated. Top 5 – 10 hardcore records of all time!
Are there some newer bands you could mention?
People should check out Buried Dreams, and Instigate from the Boston area, also Ecostrike from Florida. I’ve been digging those bands!
[…] Death Before Dishonor veröffentlichte erst vergangenen Freitag mit Unfinished Business ihr erstes Album seit geschlagenen zehn Jahren und konnte mit diesem ordentlich aufhorchen. Unsere HC-History mit Sänger Bryan Harris findet ihr hier. […]