Crashed Out (Photo by Mick Martin)
Crashed Out (Photo by Mick Martin)

Crashed Out legen in wenigen Tagen ihren neuesten Output namens Against All Odds über Demons Run Amok Entertainment vor.

Wir sprachen anlässlich des bevorstehenden Releases mit Frontmann Chris Wright über seine Roots und wie er zur Musik und Szene gekommen ist.

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AFL: Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today?

Chris: Sadly the place got knocked down many years ago, It was called The Cellers it was ayouth club and a local band called ‚Royal Dolls‘ played they were terrible h ha but we all still jumped about to the tunes like lunitics! Great fun that would have been about 1981.

AFL: What is your all-time favorite club or location?

Chris: The Mayfair in Newcastle Upon Tyne, again that was knocked down many years ago I saw bands such as Motorhead, SLF, The Damned, The Buzzcocks etc etc play at that place. But my favorite venue that I have played with Crashed Out is probably Trillians Rock bar in the Heart of Newcastle.

Crashed Out - Against All Odds (2022)
Crashed Out – Against All Odds (2022)

AFL: Do you remember the first hardcore / punk record you got?

Chris: Sex Pistols’ Holidays in the Sun.

AFL: In your opinion what is the perfect hardcore show?

Chris: Great band (that can play good) Great sound, great lights, good size stage, cheap beer no fucking idiots or people with egos.

AFL: What is your all-time favorite show you’ve played?

Chris: Supporting Rancid O2 Academy Newcastle Upon Tyne.

AFL: Is there a show you missed in the past that still makes you angry that you could not be there?

Chris: I missed Motorhead at a Motor bike rally called The Rock n Blues festival but I was actually at the festival! I fell asleep in my tent and my mate forgot to wake me! He stayed out of my way for the next two days haha.

AFL: What band would you like to see again?

Chris: Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes.

AFL: Is there a person who has influenced you especially in hardcore / punk?

Chris: Loads of different people over the years but probably Mensi (Angelic Upstarts) more than anyone else.

AFL: What are your top 3 hardcore-punk front men/women?

Chris: Johnny Lydon, Frank Carter, Joe Strummer.

AFL: What is in your opinion the most underrated hardcore-punk band?


AFL: Are there some newer bands you could mention?

Chris: Kidpunk.

Against All Odds wird am 15. April 2022 über Demons Run Amok Entertainment erscheinen und kann bei CoreTex vorbestellt werden.

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