Judge werden in wenigen Tagen erstmals seit drei Jahren wieder Shows bei uns in Europa spielen. Dann kommt die wegweisende Hardcore-Band aus New York mit World Be Free auf gemeinsame Tour, was gleichzeitig die bisher längste Europa-Tournee von Judge sein wird. Wir nahmen diese zum Anlass Gitarrist John Porcelly ein paar Fragen zu seinen Hardcore-Punk-Roots zu stellen.
Bei John „Porcell“ Porcelly bedarf es wohl kaum einer Vorstellung. So gründete er 1985 gemeinsam mit Ray Cappo die legendäre Hardcore-Band Youth Of Today, die maßgeblich für die Entwicklung der Youth Crew-Bewegung verantwortlich war. Zwei Jahre später gründete er dann mit Mike Ferraro die kaum weniger einflussreiche Band Judge. Mit Project X folgte kurze Zeit später ein weiteres Projekt, bei der John erstmals auch als Sänger tätig war. Dann ging es über die Jahre bei Bands wie Shelter, Bold oder Gorilla Biscuits weiter. Porcell veröffentlichte neben seiner Bandtätigkeit auch ein Zine War on Illusion und gründete mit Alex Brown das Label Schism Records, das zusätzlich auch als Fanzine tätig war. Ihr merkt, dass sich für unsere HC-History kaum jemand besser eignen könnte als John Porcelly!

Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today?
First show was MDC and Crucifix in 1983, it was an outdoor show in Central Park called Rock Against Reagan. I did my first stagedive and that was it, my life was never the same.
What is your all-time favorite club or location?
CBGB is a close second, but I’d have to say the Anthrax Club in CT. Youth of Today and Judge would play there and there would literally be 800 straight edge kids at the show. It was like a Youth Crew clubhouse.
Do you remember the first hardcore / punk record you got?
First punk record I ever got was Never Mind the Bollocks by the Sex Pistols. I was 11 years old and was growing out of my Kiss records and was looking around for the next big thing. When I heard the energy and attitude on that record, I was instantly a punk rocker. First straight up hardcore record I ever bought was Damaged by Black Flag. I bought it because it had a sticker on the back of it that said „As a parent, I found this an anti-parent record.“
In your opinion what is the perfect hardcore show?
Minor Threat, 7 Seconds, Youth of Today, Judge and The Smiths at CBGB.
What is your all-time favorite show you’ve played?
Tough one. I’ve honestly played a lot of great shows. The first Judge show when we got back together at the Black’n’Blue Bowl in NYC was insane, we played two nights in a row and it was such an incredible reception back!
Is there a show you missed in the past that still makes you angry that you could not be there?
There are two I can think of. I never got a chance to see Minor Threat because I was too young, but when I first started going to shows at the Anthrax, one weekend there was a sign on the door that said „YOU BET! MINOR THREAT!“ Minor Threat was scheduled to play but they broke up before that show happened. Another one was Dag Nasty. Dag Nasty didn’t play that many shows with their original singer and DYS frontman Dave Smalley, but they played the Anthrax with Bold. It was the same night as my senior prom at high school, so I thought, „Eh, I’ll just see them another time.“ Dave Smalley quit shortly after that show.
What band would you like to see again?
Black Flag with Henry Rollins singing. The most incredible band to ever hit the stage.
Is there a person who has influenced you especially in hardcore / punk?
I’d have to say Kevin Seconds from 7 Seconds. At a time when every hardcore band was singing about kicking people’s asses and hating the world, Kevin wrote lyrics about love, kindness, trust and equality. It was a brave move and he inspired a whole generation of kids to come.
What are your top 3 hardcore-punk front men/women?
- HR of the Bad Brains
- Henry Rollins of Black Flag
- Ray Cappo of Youth of Today/Shelter
What is in your opinion the most underrated hardcore-punk band?
Straight Ahead from NYC.
Are there some newer bands you could mention?
Eco Strike, One Step Closer and Fiddlehead

Judge mit World Be Free auf Europa-Tour
20.09.2019 Essen | Turock
21.09.2019 Dresden | Bringin‘ It Down Fest
22.09.2019 Nürnberg | Z-Bau + Thin Ice
23.09.2019 IT – Mezzago / Milano | Bloom
24.09.2019 CH – Zürich |Werk 21
25.09.2019 Karlsruhe | Stadtmitte
27.09.2019 UK – London | Underworld
28.09.2019GR – Athens | AN Club
All Live-Photo by Michelle Olaya of xmdmxhcx photos.