The Eulogy (Photo by Sam Jameson - @slamjameson)
The Eulogy (Photo by Sam Jameson - @slamjameson)

The Eulogy ist eine Hardcore-Band aus Kalifornien, die sich aus Mitgliedern von Bands wie Madball, Slapshot, Mouthpiece und Eye For An Eye zusammensetzt.

Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 2012 legte die Band mit der Besetzung Matt Henderson (Madball, Agnostic Front), Kevin Norton (Eye For An Eye, Straight Faced), Doug MacKinnon (Slapshot, Ignite) und Pete Reilly (Mouthpiece) vor fünf Jahren ihre Debüt-EP vor. 2017 folgte über Bridge Nine Records mit Last Days der bis dato letzte Output der Combo. Diese wird dann am 05. Februar 2021 einen Nachfolger finden.

Rykers & The Eulogy - Casselfornia über alles (2020)
Rykers & The Eulogy – Casselfornia über alles (2020)

So haben The Eulogy erst kürzlich eine Split-Single mit Rykers angekündigt, die unter dem Titel Casselfornia über alles über UNITY Worldwide Records erscheinen wird.


Wir sprachen anlässlich des bevorstehenden Split mit The Eulogy-Bassist Kevin Norton über seine Hardcore-Punk-Roots und wie er zur Musik und Szene gekommen ist.

Weitere HC-Histories »

AFL: Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to?

The Freeze at a place called Hanum Hall in Cambridge Mass (Boston suburb) Is the club still open today? No they only did a few shows in 85.

What is your all-time favorite club or location?

The Channel, Boston what a legendary club. The first legit place I ever played and I saw bands like Fugazi, Bad Brains, Agnostic Front, Sick of it All, Alice in Chains & Ice Cube. I met Metallica there when I was just a kid. Special place.

Do you remember the first hardcore / punk record you got?

Henry Rollins with Black Flag (1983, Pic by UCLA Library Special Collections.)
Henry Rollins with Black Flag (1983, Pic by UCLA Library Special Collections.)

Black Flag, Damaged. When I put it on it still puts me in a certain mood. Classic old school hardcore.

In your opinion what is the perfect hardcore show?

Great bands, lot’s of friends hanging out and no fights.

What is your all-time favorite show you’ve played?

Any time any of my bands has opened for Agnostic Front and that’s probably been about 40 times.

Is there a show you missed in the past that still makes you angry that you could not be there?

I had tickets to see SSD but they were in the AC/DC era of the band so I didn’t care about going.

What band would you like to see again?

Everyone. This lockdown is killing me.

Is there a person who has influenced you especially in hardcore / punk?

There are too many to mention. Some influenced what to do. Some who tell me what not to do.

What are your top 3 hardcore-punk front men/women?

Freddy Madball singt als Teenager für Agnostic Front (Bild zur Verfügung gestellt von Drew Stone)
  • Roger Miret- Agnostic Front
  • Scott Vogel- Terror &
  • Freddy- Madball.

What is in your opinion the most underrated hardcore-punk band?

Poison Idea.

Are there some newer bands you could mention?

Xilbalba, Vamchara, Dead Heat, Downpresser, Section H8, Modern Color, Momentum & Slowbleed

Weitere HC-Histories »

Die Split Casselfornia über alles von Rykers und The Eulogy wird am 05. Februar 2021 über UNITY Worldwide Records erscheinen.

The Eulogy (Photo by Sam Jameson - @slamjameson)
The Eulogy (Photo by Sam Jameson – @slamjameson)
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