Liberty & Justice (Bandbild)
Liberty & Justice (Bandbild)

Nachdem Liberty & Justice bereits Ende vergangenen Jahres ihr neues Studioalbum in Aussicht stellten, wird Pressure dann Ende des Monats über Contra Records erscheinen.

Die Streetpunk-Combo aus Texas ist Ende 2015 zunächst als Nebenprojekt von Street Dogs- (Johnny Rioux), Roger Miret & The Disasters- (Rhys Williams) und Thug Boots-Mitgliedern (Ryan Taylor) gestartet worden. Spätestens seit dem ersten Longplayer For All (2019) und den beiden EPs Just Us (2019) und My America, die erst im vergangenen Oktober erschienen ist, werden Liberty & Justice dem Status eines Nebenprojektes nicht mehr gerecht.

Wir sprachen anlässlich des bevorstehenden Releases mit Frontmann Ryan Taylor über seine Hardcore-Punk-Roots und wie er zur Musik und Szene gekommen ist.


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AFL: Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today?

Liberty & Justice - Pressure (2021)
Liberty & Justice – Pressure (2021)

Yes! so my first “punk” concert was Green Day on the Insomniac tour. River Dales were opening, they played the Astro Arena and my uncle Daryl had just gotten out of prison and was my chaperone (I was 12 at the time). We showed up just in time to see the River Dales, which blew me away, I had only heard one song from the angus soundtrack at that time and unfortunately not many people were there to watch them yet.

The Astro Arena is still around but it’s mostly for car shows and conventions these days. My first punk show at a club was a couple years later at a spot called the Abyss. It was an old theater, unfortunately it’s not around anymore. But I was 14 at the time and my cousin took me, it was the Misfits, H2O, and Marky Ramone and The Intruders. It was a mind-blowing show for little me and everyone seemed insane and on pills, I was hooked from that moment on.

AFL: What is your all-time favorite club or location?

Had to be Walters on Washington. There was this beautiful woman Pam, rest her soul, who owned clubs here in Houston and put up with our ridiculous asses. Many moons ago she had Mary Janes and directly across the street Walters. Some of the best times were had at those spots before closing, then moving Walters to Naylor St when she passed and her son took over. Then Walters closed permanently a few years later. Houston unfortunately doesn’t do too well with holding on to venues.

AFL: Do you remember the first hardcore / punk record you got?

Rancid – Let’s Go. Haven’t looked back since. Ole boy was shooting the finger on the back, got little ole me hooked.

AFL: In your opinion what is the perfect hardcore show?

I’ll tell you the best hardcore line-up I’ve seen so far – American Nightmare, Striking Distance, Death Threat, The Oath at Mary Janes.

AFL: What is your all-time favorite show you’ve played?

Liberty & Justice
Liberty & Justice

20th October 2007 fallcore at the meridian (rip). I definitely 3 sets that day/night with I Am Wolf, Grave Robbers, Ten Crowns wolf, grave robbers, ten crowns, maybe 4 with your mistake. Then after party at our apt with the Iron Age crew.

AFL: Is there a show you missed in the past that still makes you angry that you could not be there?

Totally forget why I missed it, something was happening in high school at the time, but Fear and Blood For Blood. Definitely regret missing that one.

AFL: What band would you like to see again?

So many! Rancid, Ducky Boys, Iron Age, Power Trip, The Business, The Beltones.

AFL: Is there a person who has influenced you especially in hardcore / punk?

Paul Bearer. I’ve had the opportunity to know him a bit over the years and play some shows with him and he’s a no bullshit no bones about it individual. Wears his insecurities and his warts and heart and bullshit on his sleeve and in a world full of thieves thats all you can ask for. But he mixes subcultures so eloquently. Best poet in the game, I’ve always looked to him for lyrical reference. And at the same time I’m mindful enough not to put his ass on a pedestal

AFL: What are your top 3 hardcore-punk front men/women?

  • Paul Bearer (Sheer Terror)
  • Exene Cervenkova (X)
  • Wes Eisold (American Nightmare, Cold Cave)

AFL: What is in your opinion the most underrated hardcore-punk band?

Break Out from Austin, Texas.

AFL: Are there some newer bands you could mention?

The Chisel, Action News, Rated X, True Intentions, Spirit World, Vanguard, Life Force, John Sharkey.

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Pressure wird am 31. März 2021 über Contra Records (Europa) und Death Exclamations (US) auf 600 Stück limitierten 12″-Vinyl erscheinen. Ihr könnt das Album hier bei Contra Records vorbestellen.


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