High Vis (Photo by Simon Wellington)
High Vis (Photo by Simon Wellington)

High Vis präsentieren uns ein neues Musikvideo zu Trauma Bonds. Der Song stammt von ihrem aktuellen Album Blending, das erst im vergangenen Jahr erschienen ist.

Frontmann Graham Sayle dazu:

„Filmed and directed by Jonah West and shot over the course of a year, the video is an emotionally charged portrait of Jamz and Sean: two people negotiating the world whilst living in the shadow of trauma. The video is dedicated to everyone carrying the weight of grief for those taken too soon, and those struggling with their own existence. When you’re going through hell, keep going.“


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Im Februar geht es für die Briten dann auf Europa-Tour, die jedoch bereits restlos ausverkauft ist:

High Vis – Eurpopa-Tour 2023

0/02 – London, UK – Moth Club
11/02 – Manchester, UK at YES
12/02 – Sheffield, UK at Yellow Arch Studios
13/02 – Bristol, UK at Strange Brews
14/02 – Bruges, BE at Cactus Club
15/02 – Rotterdam, NL at Rotown
16/02 – Hamburg, DE at Headcrash
17/02 – Berlin, DE at Lido
19/02 – Paris, FR at Point Ephemere

- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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