Seit heute ist das neue Brett der Thrash/Hardcore Formation Nails bei unseren Plattenhändlern des Vertrauens erhältlich. Wer sich allerdings noch nicht ganz sicher ist, ob er You Will Never Be One of Us sein eigen nennen möchte, kann sich dieses nun vorab im Stream anhören oder auch einfach unser Review lesen.

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Frontman Todd Jones äusserte sich in Bezug aufs Album wie folgt:
“I think extreme music can be really catchy if you make it that way. I hear hooks in a lot of extreme metal and punk. It’s certainly not pop music, but punk, metal and hardcore in their own right can all be very memorable. We went in to the studio with the intention of making our songs a little bit more catchy than those on our last record but I think they came out more intense as well; I’m not sure why that happened but we’re pretty stoked on it. […]
It’s hard to make an album that you can listen to from front to back without wanting to skip tracks and still maintain the urgency and flow of a record. I wouldn’t say we’re a one-trick pony but we’re very one dimensional which makes it a challenge to keep things interesting throughout a record. All our albums need to stand out and be clearly defined as their own entity, I wouldn’t want somebody saying we put out the same record three times in a row. We’re still attempting to channel rage but the challenge is to capture it a little bit differently than we did before.”