Nachdem NOFX zur Ankündigung ihres kommenden Albums Single Album mit Linewleum eine erste Single vorlegten, präsentiert uns die Band nun einen zweiten neuen Song. Das Lyrik-Video zu Fuck Euphemism findet ihr am Ende des Beitrags. Fat Mike im Interview bei den Kollegen von SPIN zum neuen Song:

I think it’s a very important song for the conversation with the trans community and the LBGT community. I consider myself queer and a part of it, so I can sing a song like this. I live a BDSM lifestyle and I’m a crossdresser, so it did bother me when people were calling me a cis male. I like the whole thing of defining yourself using your own terms, because I’m a punk rocker first, and then a submissive crossdressing male. The transgender community and the gay community are taking a stance on how we want to be known, and I’m going to be known as a certain way.

But I think the most important thing in this song is that it doesn’t need to be that way, because really you’re just a person. In part of the song, I say “Call me ‘per’ for the night,” where “per” is short for person. I think that is really the term that people should be embracing, like “I was with per last night” or “I love per” because it doesn’t give away anything. It’s singular, and isn’t that what people want to be known as, — as a person? They don’t want to be labeled. It’s a term that Doris Lessing came up within a book called The Good Terrorist, which I read in college in the ‘80s. Doris Lessing is a feminist writer, and she had it where, in the future, society called everyone “per” for person. It just makes sense to me.

There’s also a line in the song about how I did a line off of Scarlett’s $100,000 cunt, and I think I came out of the closet even more with that because I was too scared to wear women’s clothes until I was 45 — 9 years ago. I was still a closeted crossdresser, and I managed to come out a little more. That line for me is really huge because this domme I was seeing, Scarlett Sin, I didn’t know she was trans when I was seeing her. With a domme, there’s no sex going on, so you don’t really see what’s what she’s got under the hood. After a few sessions with her, I asked if she was trans and she said “You didn’t know?” I said “No, I actually didn’t. I never thought about it before. You still got a wiener?” She said, “No, I took the whole journey, and I got a really good one.

Das neue Album erscheint dann am 26. Februar 2021, natürlich über Fat Wreck Chords. Wie der Titel des Nachfolgers von First Ditch Effort (2016) bereits andeutet, enthält das Album einige Songs, die bereits zuvor als Single veröffentlicht wurden.

Neben Linewleum sind schon die Songs Love You More Than I Hate Me, Fish In A Gun Barrel und Doors & Fours bereits im vergangenen Jahr als Single erschienen. Fat Mike gab in einem Interview mit dem Ox-Fanzine, das in der Februar-Ausgabe erscheinen wird, an, dass das Album bereits im Februar 2020 fertig gestellt war, sich die Band dann aber dazu entschlossen habe zunächst die Split-LP West Coast vs. Wessex mit Frank Turner zu veröffentlichen. Fat Mike gab beim Ox außerdem preis, dass es 2021 gleich zwei neue NOFX-Alben geben soll und man sich dafür bereits im Februar wieder ins Studio begebe.


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NOFX – Single Album (2021)

NOFX - Single Album (2021)
NOFX – Single Album (2021)
  1. The Big Drag
  2. I Love You More Than I Hate Me
  3. Fuck Euphemism
  4. Fish In A Gun Barrel
  5. Birmingham
  6. Linewleum
  7. My Bro Cancervive Cancer
  8. Grieve Soto
  9. Doors and Fours
  10. Your Last Resort
- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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