Per J Amdam (Sänger von Sportswear, Onward, For Pete’s Sake) ist verstorben. Sportswear gilt bis heute als einer der einflussreichsten europäischen Straight Edge Bands. Nach ihrer Auflösung fand sich die Band 2012 unter neuen Bandnamen For Pete’s Sake zusammen.
Hier das Statement von React! Records zu den Tod von Peter J Amdam:
Stick around long enough– book a show, start a band, go on tour– and you’ll find yourself with a long list of casual acquaintances. Friendly, amicable, interesting people who share a common bond. Occasionally, rarely, you meet someone who inspires you, who through their music and a few brief interactions, you feel confident, fortunate and proud to call your friend. For me, Pete made that short list.
Peter Amdam was at first, a legend. His music held in high regard amongst myself and my close friends. Admittedly, I was hesitant at first to release the For Pete’s Sake LP. Something about financial risk, reservations that seem very silly and shallow in hindsight. I was quickly swayed by Pete’s enthusiasm, his confidence, and his energy. Rarely have I worked with anyone, young or old, who was more passionate about creating a record. I remember how excited he was about the cover art, how he emailed me almost daily for a week telling me how great it would be. When he finally sent it, I hated it. Aram and I both hated it, but we agreed without discussion that we didn’t have the heart to tell Pete. Now, after some time to reflect, I love it. The colors and forms remind me of Pete.
I only met Peter once, in Germany, earlier this year. He was incredibly kind, generous, and sincere. He exceeded my high expectations. His energy was infectious. I remember how cool it was to see him interacting with Insist, people generations apart, the old guard and the new blood, and seeing the humility of his words and actions. Pete was a man of character and class. Pete is now, a legend.
If you have a moment, listen to the For Pete’s Sake LP on our bandcamp. Download it, for free. Read the lyrics. Appreciate, for a moment, the power of the spirit of Peter Amdam.
„And if people should remember us, in years, in times to come / They will say that these lonely ones, with love, created a world, secret, and known to the gods alone“
Rest in Power, my friend, Peter Amdam.
R.I.P. Pete!

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[…] dem überraschenden Ableben ihres Sängers Peter J Amdam im Sommer 2016 (wir berichteten) macht die Band For Pete’s Sake nun weiter. Auch eine neue 12″ soll noch dieses Jahr […]