Scheisse Minnelli haben mit Lockdown eine neue Singe veröffentlicht, zu dem die Hardcore-Punk-Combo auch ein passendes Video zusammengeschnitten hat. Im Video mit dabei sind Barry Dalive (MDC, Rich Kids On LSD) und Tommy Goober (The Toy Dolls)
Got the lockdown blues? Sick of the 2 knuckleheads running for president? You lose with either choice anyway! Well Scheisse Minnelli has something to get your mind off that shit! Just what you needed another lockdown video! After losing their bass player to tour burn out, Scheisse Minnelli enlisted some of the elite they have met over the years to retool and get ready for their next phase. They now have Barry D’live on 2nd guitar and Tom Goober on bass! This is just a preview of what is to come!