Spirit Crusher (Photo by Michelle Olaya of xmdmxhcx photos)

Spirit Crusher hat via Bandcamp eine Live-EP veröffentlicht. Die drei Tracks Game Changer, Burning Fight und Rage To Live wurden am 26. August 2016 in Mannheim mitgeschnitten. Der Erlös der Downloads geht an die Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland Bund e.V.. Die Hardcore-Band dazu:

For a lot of us privilege is very real. We lead privileged lives due to the color of our skin, our background, due to the places and countries we were born in. We often are not as aware of it as we should be. There is so much systemic racism, oppression, and innumerable disadvantages if you happen to have a different color of skin or a different cultural background.

As white people we need to be aware of this privilege and address issues when we see them, confront ourselves, other people, the police, the judicial system and hold ourselves and others accountable. It’s a necessity that this world, this country, society in general need to change to allow a better future for every human being.

As one of many organizations worthy of support we’ll direct all proceeds from the live EP we release today to Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland Bund e.V. An organization that empowers and represents interests of black people in Germany and fights against racism, oppression, and exploitation and for justice.

Educate yourself. Listen to people experiencing discrimination day by day. Reflect your perspective.

This momentum needs to be kept up when the protest waves ebb off and the system wants to go back to its old ways.

Spread the insight we need. A tiny fire, burning bright. Shedding light on the darkness of greed“

Live in Mannheim by Spirit Crusher

Spirit Crusher veröffentlichten im vergangenen Jahr ihr Debütalbum Whisper Against The Roar Of The World.


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- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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