UxB (ehemalig US Bombs) haben ihr erstes Album mit dem Titel Westworld Crisis über Demons Run Amok Entertainment veröffentlicht (Review hier). Passend zur Release haben sich Schlagzeuger Chip Hanna und Gitarrist Kerry Martinez für ein paar Fragen Zeit genommen!
Nowadays it seems like people are trying to control everything. We have to understand that music is a form of art and that shouldn’t be censored.
AFL: Hey guys, your album is close to it’s release and it turned out really well. Regarding the music of your former band, US Bombs, the music spectrum is very widely now. A lot of more genres are hearable. Where does the new influence come from?
Kerry Martinez: Hello and thank you for the interview. We are pleased with the outcome of this record and are currently working on the next one. The wide range of genres comes from four guys with very eclectic musical tastes and backgrounds. We all grew up playing in multi, genre bands, not just punk bands. All that kinda stays with you and everyone brings that into the band and the songs. Jesse really adds a lot of color to the overall spectrum because he can scream, shout, croon and sing and can pretty much play anything.

AFL: Jesse Wagner from The Aggrolites is your singer. How did it come that you chose him?
Kerry Martinez: Wade, Chip and I never stopped writing songs, so after the split we had a bank full of songs. We immediately started auditioning singers from all over the globe. Chip and Jesse have been friends a long time and it was Chip who introduced Jesse to Wade and myself. We recorded some demos and Jesse nailed everything. He was easy to get along with. The first time we met, I gave him a big hug because it felt like I already knew him. Like he’s one of the tribe.
AFL: You guys left the US Bombs because Duane Peters started sharing his close minded, racist opinions. When did he turn into this?
Chip Hanna: We were on tour in Europe in 2013 when he became more and more erratic. We went from our highest morale ever in Moscow to being fed up with his situation on the road in just 3 weeks. When Trump was elected, it seems he fell into that cesspool.

AFL: When you hear the new US Bombs album Road Case, how does this feel to you?
Kerry Martinez: I haven’t but, then again, I never listened to US Bombs when i was in the band.
AFL: Are you planning to tour Europe? If so, can we expect that you are going to play some US Bombs classics?
Chip Hanna: We might play something but I doubt it.
AFL: Where do you see Punk-Rock today?
Kerry Martinez: Nowadays it seems like people are trying to control everything. We have to understand that music is a form of art and that shouldn’t be censored. It’s up to interpretation and that’s the true beauty of it. Punk was an idea or interpretation of how the individual perceived it. It wasn’t limited to any belief system, race, fashion, politics, gender etc. When you put walls around your mind, you stunt your growth permanently. You’ll never see outside the box. The world is already like a canister of assorted nuts. We need to find a way to co exist and have some laughs along the way. Not just in the art and music world but, as a whole. As Joe Strummer said “fanaticism is nowhere”.
AFL: Since fans and this music turn older and older, does it still have any importance to young people in your eyes?
Kerry Martinez: According to music experts, punk was supposed to be a trend that wouldn’t last. Half a century later, it still exists because of its original ideals. Those ideals still resonate because they were created in the rawest and purest forms. That’s important.