Xibalba (Pressebild)

Das Hardcore-Metal-Gespann Xibalba hat relativ unverhofft eine neue EP via Closed Casket Activities rausgehauen. Aztlán ist absofort auf den gängigen Portalen verfügbar.

Zuletzt veröffentlichten sie 2020 ihr Album Años En Infierno (Review).

Xibalba über Instagram:

First and foremost we just want to say we’re very excited for this new EP to come out. It’s been three years since the release of Años En Infierno on Southern Lord Records. We had the chance to work with Taylor Young again for the first time since 2017. We’re releasing our new EP, Aztlán, on Closed Casket Activities with four new track, one giving a nod to our past with the label. Our first release with them was a split with Incendiary in 2012 so now officially being signed to the label is a full circle moment. Lyrically we have some visceral images that can be evoked when you read the statement we’re here to make. With that being said, fans can expect classic XIBALBA but will also be surprised by some new sounds coming from their speakers. For those wondering if Xibalba is going away, worry not… XIBALBA IS FOREVER.


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- Werbung -
– Playlist: Happy Release Day

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